4 New Year’s health resolutions you should make

Bek Day

If the past three pandemic-riddled years have taught us anything, it’s the fact that good health is a precious gift, and protecting our health is one the best shots at enjoying everything life has on offer. 

And while each new year brings a slew of self-promises (most of which we statistically abandon before January is even through), the looming reminder of just how lucky we are to live this life with the people we love might make these new year’s health resolutions easier to stick with.

new year's health resolutions

 1. Get serious about what health looks like for you

Taking inventory of what good health looks like in your life is crucial to defining your health goals. 

Every person on the planet has a different version of what health means to them – with differing levels of ability, differing mental health needs and a range of varying circumstances. Health in 2023 might look like loosening the reins on your pre-existing notion of having a pack or improving your relationship with food. By personalising your goals as opposed to measuring yourself against an arbitrary ideal, you’re far more likely to realistically achieve them.

2. Examine your relationship with alcohol

The growing alcohol-free beverage industry, along with an awareness of the ways in which the pandemic has muddied Australia’s already problematic relationship with booze, have led to an increase in people interested in exploring their drinking habits. In fact, research suggests as many as 71% of Australians are planning to reduce their alcohol consumption. 

Talking to your GP or counsellor about reducing your alcohol intake, or downloading an app (Reframe is an excellent, evidence-backed option) can help you re-evaluate whether the amount you’re drinking needs to change. 

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3. Burnout-proof your new year

2022 has burnt us out in ways many of us never predicted, with new research from Microsoft conducted in 11 countries around the world finding that nearly half of all workers are suffering from burnout. It’s being described as a ‘global crisis’, and in 2023, reassessing your boundaries and finding ways to combat burnout might just be the most health-focussed resolution you can make. 

4. Make time for mindfulness

Mindfulness is something of an ongoing buzzword in the mental health space, but for good reason: with research suggesting mindfulness may help improve everything from stress levels to blood pressure. The other good news? Even small pockets of mindfulness in your day can make a difference. Set a reminder on your phone to go off each day, at a time where you’ll be able to take a five-minute breather. Find a quiet space, download a mindfulness meditation app on your phone or simply head outside and focus on your breathing. Smaller, consistent amounts of time can be easier to build into habits, meaning keeping a resolution (and more importantly, reaping the benefits) is within reach.

Whatever your health resolutions are in the new year, make sure you have a clear plan, plan ahead, talk about it with loved ones to keep you motivated, track your progress and take each day as it comes to help you stick to your plan.

Have a healthy and happy new year!

The article was authored by Bek Day, a writer and journalist with over 15 years of experience in the health and lifestyle space.

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