3 secrets for a healthy sex life


Want a healthier sex life?

A healthy sex life is built on healthy sex. That means sex that is safe and pleasurable — both physically and emotionally.

Here, we’ll look at three key pillars of a healthier sex life:

  • safe sex
  • addressing physical difficulties
  • addressing emotional and relational difficulties

Safe sex

Safe sex simply means preventing the exchange of blood, semen or vaginal fluids during sex.

This will help avoid sexually transmitted infections (STI’s), and pregnancy. Safe sex includes practices like:

  • always using condoms during intercourse
  • always using condoms or dental dams when having oral sex
  • limiting the number of sexual partners to reduce your risk
  • trying safer sexual activities that don’t involve intercourse or oral sex. This could be kissing, massage, cuddling and mutual masturbation.
  • cleaning sex toys after each use
  • having an STI screening test before having sex with a new partner (and regular tests during a relationship)

Many STIs are infectious, even when you don’t have symptoms.

With InstantScripts you can get your STI test result without the hassle. Fill out a digital consultation which will be reviewed by one of our doctors. If you’re eligible, we’ll send you your pathology request form in minutes. After your STI blood test, your results will be viewable via the InstantScripts app, and sent to your email within a few days.

Need an STI screening test? Request a pathology referral here.

Addressing difficulties: the physical

Safe and pleasurable sex also relies on addressing any sexual health problems, like painful sex in women, erectile dysfunction in men and any STI.

Painful sex (dyspareunia) in women

Painful sex (dyspareunia) means pain before, during or after vaginal intercourse. Causes of dyspareunia include:

  • not enough lubrication
  • prolonged use of contraception (‘Depo’ or depot medroxyprogesterone)
  • menopause
  • a skin infection
  • illness (like endometriosis or ovarian cysts)
  • recent surgery

Stress and anxiety can contribute to painful sex as well.

Erectile dysfunction in men

Most men have erection problems occasionally. That’s considered normal.

But when the following symptoms are more than an occasional problem, you could have erectile dysfunction:

  • are never able to achieve an erection
  • can get an erection, but not long enough for intercourse
  • only get an effective erection now and then

In Australia, erectile dysfunction affects around 40% of men. Older men are affected at higher rates than younger men.

Sexually Transmitted Infections

An STI is a condition that passes from one person to another through vaginal, anal or oral sex.

Many STIs have similar symptoms:

  • pain or discomfort during sex or urination
  • sores, bumps, or rashes on or around the genitals, anus, buttocks, thighs, or mouth
  • unusual discharge or bleeding from the genitals
  • itchiness in or around the genitals

If you think that you have an STI, avoid any sexual activity completely until advised by a doctor. Tell any current and previous partners if you are diagnosed with an STI.

If you think you might need help with any physical sexual health issue, talk with an InstantScripts doctor today.

Addressing difficulties: the emotional or relational

For men and women, sex isn’t just a physical activity. It’s an emotional and relational one as well. This means:

  • address physical sexual health issues to support healthy emotions and relationships, AND
  • address emotional and relational issues to support a healthy sex life

You could find sex becomes uncomfortable, even painful, if you are:

  • feeling stressed
  • self-conscious about your body
  • depressed
  • anxious

Feelings of depression or anxiety should always be discussed with a GP. You can get support for relational or emotional difficulties from:

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