5 health issues men over 35 should never ignore

Carolyn Tate

What are the biggest health issues men over the age of 35 should never ignore?

Well, to start, you could be forgiven for feeling that life seems to be travelling at a break-neck pace. You may have children to care for, a career to prioritise, ageing parents and other family members that could need support, community commitments, and a body that doesn’t bounce out of bed like it used to.

So, when you notice something not quite right with your health, it can be easy to ignore it or think you’ll get it checked when you have the time.

But sometimes those ‘not quite right’ feelings are your body’s way of telling you something needs attention, and now is the time before they potentially progress to something much more serious. 

Below are five health issues that men over 35 should never ignore.

health issues men

1. Chest pain

It seems like a no-brainer that severe chest pain needs immediate attention because you could be having a heart attack, but milder chest pain can also be an indicator that something could be going on in your body. Other types of heart problems, such as angina, can cause chest pain, as can lung conditions like pneumonia, a pulmonary embolism, a chest infection, or asthma. Chest pain can also be an indicator of chest trauma, muscle strains, shingles, or a gastrointestinal issue such as a stomach ulcer or acid reflux. Some of these conditions aren’t serious, but others may be life threatening – either way, your GP can help you find out what’s going on and offer treatment options.

2. Blood in your urine

If you see blood in your urine it’s important to talk to your doctor as soon as possible. Even a small amount can be a sign of serious conditions such as prostate or other cancers, an enlarged prostate, stones in your bladder or kidney, or kidney disease or an injury to your kidney. Early detection and treatment are crucial to treating many of these conditions.

3. Shortness of breath

Any number of issues can cause you to become short of breath, but it’s important not to simply notch up a change in your breathing capacity to getting older and less fit, without having it checked by a doctor. Shortness of breath can be a symptom of a heart attack or congestive heart failure, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, pulmonary hypertension, or anaemia.

Health issues men over 35

4. Erectile dysfunction

While erectile dysfunction can be disheartening, it’s important to note that there is usually an underlying condition causing the symptom. These conditions can include diabetes, heart disease, atherosclerosis, kidney disease, neurologic disease, chronic alcoholism, multiple sclerosis, and vascular disease. Stressors such as work or relationship difficulties can also have an effect, as can some medications. Finding and treating the cause may help to restore function.

5. Dizziness

If you experience light-headedness or dizziness, or become unsteady on your feet regularly, this could be an indicator that not enough blood is reaching your brain. This may be caused by dehydration or low blood sugar, migraine, vertigo, ear-related conditions such as Meniere’s disease or labyrinthitis, problems with the heart or eyes, or brain-related disorders. With such a vast range of potential health conditions, it’s important to find and treat the underlying cause.

These are most common health issues men over the age of 35 should never ignore but of course there are other symptoms and signs too.

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This article was written by Carolyn Tate, a Brisbane-based writer with a particular interest in women’s health, mental health and living well. Carolyn holds a Bachelor of Professional Writing and a Bachelor of Political Science.

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